Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Whats your opinion?

Its two months to graduation. And I am totally confused.

So confused that I cant think rationally anymore. What should I do? Take up a job (which I don't want to. But, I need the money.) ? Should I go back home and immerse myself in my start up project? (Ohhh yeah!!! Thats what I need the money for if I take up a job.)

I wish life was as simple as the problem above. But those were just general questions. The more complex part is coming your way.

What kind of resume should I prepare? Where do I start applying? What about relocation? WHat about my Visa status? What kind of salary should I expect?

If I go back home, where would I begin with towards my project? What would I do till the time it starts picking up pace?What kind of experience would I need?

Ohhh wait... What work experience should I put in my resume? WH not try to take up a job in field I am planning my start up?

Freak!!!! What about dad? What might be his opinion? what if he asks me to get into his business?

Business!!! How will I expand mine? What kind of exams might I have to go through?

Exams!!!! When is the freaking mid semesters? How am I going to study? How will I finish my project?

Project!!!! Ohhh god... When will I finish the project at my workplace? Deadline is in two weeks?

so on so on so on...

So many questions... no specific answers....

"Whats your opinion?" I keep on asking this to all my near ones.... I am so confused.
and trust me, I am enjoying it....